Showing posts with label Vandana shiva quantum interconnectedness frequency vibration pandemic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vandana shiva quantum interconnectedness frequency vibration pandemic. Show all posts

Sunday 28 November 2021

Vandana Shiva on Quantum Theory

 "The pandemic has killed many people. And the pandemic is because we killed nature. The UN has admitted we are only treating the symptoms as a medical problem. The real disease is a disease of our separation from nature, our mastery over nature, our sense of disrespect for nature's laws, ecological limits and planetary boundaries. Every turbulent crisis we face today comes from the illusion of separation.

Quantum theory is all about interconnectedness. The world is about vibration. The world is about sound and light. This we know. And yet we constantly deny it. We separate ourselves. We separate our minds from our bodies. We separate the Earth from ourselves. We will not be able to solve either the human crisis or the planetary crisis by maintaining separation and the illusion of separate essential things. We have to realise that vibration is what runs the world and it's only when this vibration expresses itself you get a wave or a particle, health or disease, happiness and well-being or mental trauma and mental problems.
Every part of our body is intelligent. Every cell is self-organised. Every molecule acts in concert, from the molecule to the body, to the ecosystems, to the planet; it is one amazing quantum chorus. It's time to stop denying this.
We are not the masters of the Earth. We have to restore thinking about ourselves with humility and recognise there are other beings on this planet with us, and if you take care of them we create prosperity for all. My work over the last five decades in service to the Earth has shown the more we give to the Earth, the more she gives to us."
~ Vandana Shiva
Scholar, author, philosopher, environmental activist--often referred as the "Gandhi of grain" for her activism associated with the anti-GMO movement.

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