Thursday 29 July 2010

Favourite Places

The Test at Fulling Mill, Whitchurch. This stretch of the river and the Mill was once owned by my step-grandfather. Click here for his granddaughter's reminiscences

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Thursday 22 July 2010

Farewell Lexus

The Lexus at the top of Beech Hill, with Stocks behind

My brave Lexus Coupe has been declared a CTL and is no more (except that the number plate - H2PNO - has been transferred to Kei's Prius). Having been virtually trouble-free all its life, it was found to need a number of repairs that would have cost far more than its value.

It's been a marvellous car (as you can read here from an earlier post) but it will no longer sit outside waiting to take me on long drives into the countryside where the whistle and crack of the turbos were all one needed in place of music. Farewell and thank you.

Friday 9 July 2010

Favourite Cartoons

As you already know, one of my favourite cartoonists is Pont, whose inspired drawings of 'The British Character' remain as accurate today as in the 1930s.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Favourite Poetry - Constantine Cavafy

Morning Sea

Let me stop here. Let me, too, look at nature awhile.
The brilliant blue of the morning sea, of the cloudless sky,
the shore yellow; all lovely,
all bathed in light

Let me stand here. And let me pretend I see all this
(I actually did see it for a minute when I first stopped)
and not my usual day-dreams here too,
my memories, those sensual images.

Constantine P. Cavafy