Wednesday 29 September 2021

Europa and Zeus at Old Swan House


This plaster cast from a display at the British Museum has recently been installed at Old Swan House. 

It has given rise to a discussion on what scene was being depicted. My local classical scholar thinks that it most probably depicts the myth of the Rape of Europa, in which Zeus disguises himself as a bull and carries Europa off to Crete, where she gives birth to the Minotaur among others. This scene must be early in the story as Europa seems unwisely to be treating the bull as a pet. Soon afterwards, he persuades Europa to climb onto his back, whereupon he swims with her off to Crete. 

See a painting of the myth, Titian at the National Gallery - Love, Desire, Death.  


Saturday 18 September 2021

Winchester Cathedral Flower Festival 2021

The Jane Austen display

The Flower Festival has been held again in  Winchester Cathedral's after the loss of 2020 and it was spectacular and beautiful as ever. Special mention should be made of the design of the Jane Austen arrangement with its soft colours; some dislays used colours that were too harsh against the grey stones.

Part of the Jane Austen display 


Saturday 4 September 2021

The Garden in August 2021

 August was not a good month in the garden, apart from the grass which was near perfect after weeks of rain and little sun. 

The lawn seen though one of Alan Titchmarsh's planters

The 'money shot' when the sun was out.

The chaise longue in the long grass; it will never move again

The grass garden at evening