Wednesday 30 May 2012

Golden Jubilee of the Consecration of Coventry Cathedral

The Golden Jubilee of the Consecration of Coventry Cathedral was held on 25th May 2012, exactly 50 years after the original service which was attended by the Queen. On this occasion, a glorious sunny day, the service was taken by the Dean, the Very Reverend John Irving, before the Bishop of Coventry, the Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth, and the Princess Royal. The service began with a beautiful Lord's Prayer sung in Aramaic. The Archbishop of Canterbury preached a marvellous sermon drawing on the imagery of Graham Sutherland's great tapestry

A video of the procession at the end of the service can be seen here

Following the service, a reception was held for the Princess Royal in St Mary's Hall

Click here for some photos from the event

A very good BBC programme about the Cathedral can be heard here

Thursday 24 May 2012

Chelsea Flower Show 2012

The Chelsea Flower Show 2012 - for photos - of the people as well as the gardens - click here 

Monday 7 May 2012

Favourite Castles - Landmark Trust Houses

East Banqueting House, Chipping Camden 1994 and 1995

East Banqueting House, Chipping Camden 1994 and 1995
Gothic Temple, Stowe 
Gothic Temple, Stowe

Gothic Temple, Stowe

Shute Gatehouse, Lyme Regis

Anna at Shute Gatehouse

Lyme Regis